SGI's Message Passing Toolkit
The Message Passing Toolkit (MPT) from SGI provides an alternative implementation of MPI. More information is available in the
user guide
The correct environment for using MPT can be set up by loading the mpt module (i.e.
module load mpt
). The
command can be used to check which version of
will be found (e.g.
which mpif90
should return
for MPT).
Building code
If you have loaded the mpt module then the MPT version of the
command should be found instead of the Intel version. More details on compiling and linking using MPT can be found in Chapter 3 of the
MPT user guide
MPT can also work with executables compiled for other types of MPI. See chapter 6 of the user guide for details.
Running on a single node
There is an
command for MPT e.g.
mpirun -np 12 myprog
to run
using 12 MPI processes on one node.
If you have problems with
make sure that your path is set up correctly to pick up the MPT version of
and not the Intel MPI version. You may need to load the MPT module in the job file to make sure the correct version is found.
Running multi-node MPT jobs
To run on more than one node you can use the mpiexec_mpt command e.g.
mpiexec_mpt -np 24 myprog
will run
using a total of 24 MPI processes on the nodes listed in the PBS nodes file. An example PBS script for running multi-node MPT jobs can be found at
Performance profiling
Running an MPT code using the
command will produce profiling information. First load the perfcatcher module using
module load perfcatcher
run with
mpirun -np 12 perfcatch myprog
A file called
will be produced which is a text file containing the profiling data.
DavidAcreman - 08 Dec 2008