r6 - 23 Oct 2014 - 14:58:30 - DavidAcremanYou are here: Astrophysics Wiki >  Zen Web  >  RunningJobs > JobArray

Job arrays

When running a number of similar jobs on different nodes they can be collated into a job array (to run multiple jobs on the same node see MultipleSerialJobs). There is a description of how to do this in the Torque documentation and an example job file at /usr/local/examples/qsub_script/array.pbs which demonstrates how to set this up.

To submit a job array use the qsub -t command (see the qsub man page for more details) or put a -t directive in the job file.

To check the status of array jobs use

qstat -t 1234[]

and to delete the whole array use

qdel 1234[]

where 1234 is the job ID number.

-- DavidAcreman - 04 Jan 2012

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