r14 - 30 Oct 2015 - 11:23:00 - DavidAcremanYou are here: Astrophysics Wiki >  Zen Web  >  AdminPage > AddingANewUser

Setting up a new user account

  1. The script newuser is used to set up a new user account. To run the script use: newuser username1 username2 ... The numeric user ID should be the same as the IT services user ID.
  2. Set disk quotas for the user using edquota on the storage node (ssh zen-storage2-1 from the log in node). The storage node does not have any user accounts so you will need to use UIDs for the edquota command. edquota -p can be used to use another account as a template
  3. Add the user's email address to the Zen mailing list
  4. Set an initial password using passwd on the log in node (this will be propagated to the other nodes via NIS). Alternatively, add the user's public ssh key to the authorised_keys file in their .ssh directory.

This sets up a new account with tcsh as the shell. The default .cshrc file is configured to load the Intel Cluster Studio module which provides compilers and an MPI library.

Setting up a new account for UM users

  1. For users of the the Met Office UM run the newumuser script to set up the account (users of the UM need to use ksh as their shell). Note: this applies to GHUI applications at version 8.6 and earlier. Later versions use rose/cylc and should be OK with bash.
  2. Follow steps 2-4 above
  3. Add the account to the umusers group using vigr

-- DavidAcreman - 12 May 2008

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