r2 - 28 Apr 2008 - 16:37:43 - TraceyHillYou are here: Astrophysics Wiki >  WelcomeToExeter Web  > TravelExeter



schedules at: http://www.stagecoachbus.com/devon/

and a very good general map showing Exeter neighborhoods and bus routes here: http://www.stagecoachbus.com/uploads/Exeter_Frq_Guide_jun05_2.pdf (or if dead link, search under timetables pull-down menu, "Exeter services")

some routes (just ones I have taken): D route from University to town center, GBP£1.10 return leaves every 15 minutes during work hours, 30 minutes on Sat, NO Sunday service P route from town center to Pennsylvania, GBP£2 return A/B route to Marsh Barton, GBP£1.50 return (?)



Typical train costs to various faraway places:

Exeter to Bristol, GBP£18 one way, 1 hour Exeter to London £30 one way, 2.5-3hours, although fast train 2hrs few times/day Exeter to Birmingham, GBP£20 one way, 2.5 hours

all much cheaper if booked at least one week in advance and not to travel on busy weekday mornings schedules and fares here: http://www.nationalrail.co.uk/

and cheaper fares sometimes only available on the particular rail company's website such as First Great Western, see below.

Some useful websites for buses and trains:


Train *http://www.nationalrail.co.uk/

International Train and Bus Travel



Your usual budget airlines like "ryanair" and "ezyjet" fly from London airports. There is "flybe" from Exeter. It is always a possibility to use Cardiff and Bristol airports to. refer to the page on airport travel.

Try the following websites

-- TraceyHill - 10 Apr 2008

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