r5 - 30 Oct 2009 - 15:59:26 - SusieBurdettYou are here: Astrophysics Wiki >  WelcomeToExeter Web  > TravelAirports

Getting to and from UK airports (from Kuenley Chiu)

From Exeter airport, bus services 56 and or 379 will take you to the town centre. From there you can catch the D bus to the university, or a taxi. Airport is several miles directly east of town.

Flybe service to many cities from Exeter to UK, France, south Spain, Ams, Ireland

From Bristol airport to University Bristol airport is much closer than Heathrow, and now there is daily nonstop service with Continental airlines through Newark. Airport bus to Bristol Temple Meads station, few GBP£, every 15-20 mins You can then catch a train to Exeter St Davids.

From Heathrow to Exeter Heathrow express train, every 15 minutes to Paddington, 15 min journey GBP£14 one way

Information on Heathrow Express can be found at: www.heathrowexpress.com

Also a cheaper option: Heathrow Connect to Paddington? This doesn't run as frequently (every 30 min instead of 15), takes 10 min longer (25 min instead of 15), but it costs 1/2 as much (£7 gbp instead of £14 gbp) so if you have time its a good option.

Or, absolute cheapest option is the underground - you can get the Piccadilly line from Heathrow Terminals 1-4, and then change at Earl's Court, picking up the District Line to Edgeware Road (be careful, Earl's Court is the main changing station for the District lines, and there are a multitude of different options). This costs around £4-5 (unless you have an Oyster card), and is the slowest option.

But remember, all London trains/tube stop around midnight!! don't get flights that may cut it close! Could become costly disaster if arrive late, and customs/immigration delays.

Once at Paddington, catch a train to Exeter.

Also, National Express bus Heathrow to Exeter, takes 4 hours, GBP£21 one way, leaves from central LHR bus station. Slower, and very cramped, but departures available at all hours of day, if you arrive late. Sometimes must take bus from Exeter to LHR if you have early departure, and earliest train is not early enough.

A tip: the express bus from Exeter to LHR continues to London, and oddly if you buy the London ticket, it can cost as little as GBP£6 instead of GBP£21. Just buy the London ticket and get off at Heathrow (but be sure it is the same bus by checking both departure times, bus #501 usually). http://www.nationalexpress.com



By train, you can either get to Gatwick by changing at Reading, or by going through London Vicotoria.




-- TraceyHill - 10 Apr 2008

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