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The Astrophysics Team

The astrophysics group in Exeter was founded in 2001 (or thereabouts?). See here for a look at the group circa September 2004, and here for a list of current members of the group.

Please add details of your own work and areas of research.

Academic Staff

Name Job Title Research Interest Room Number Telephone Number Email Address
Prof. Matthew Bate Head of Group. Professor of Theoretical Astrophysics SPH simulations of star formation 416 01392 725513 mbate@astro.ex.ac.uk
Prof. Mark McCaughrean Professor of Astrophysics Infrared observations of star formation regions, HH objects, low mass stars and brown dwarfs On leave of abscence Unused mjm@astro.ex.ac.uk
Prof. Tim Naylor Norman Lockyer Professor of Astrophysics, Head of School of Physics Optical observations of star formation regions, colour-magnitude diagrams 613 01392 264172 timn@astro.ex.ac.uk
Dr. Suzanne Aigrain Lecturer Observations of transiting exoplanets and eclipsing binaries 507 01392 264089 suz@astro.ex.ac.uk
Dr. Chris Brunt Lecturer Radio and sub-mm observations of molecular clouds and star formation regions 415 01392 725512 brunt@astro.ex.ac.uk
Dr. Tim Harries Senior Lecturer Observations and modelling of circumstellar discs and magnetospheric accretion, radiation transfer codes 505 01392 264158 th@astro.ex.ac.uk
Dr. Jennifer Hatchell Senior Research Fellow Use of far-infrared and millimetre wavelengths to study clouds of gas and dust during collapse under gravity 406 01392 725516 hatchell@astro.ex.ac.uk
Dr. Jenny Patience Lecturer Infrared and mm observations of star formation and planet host stars, interferometry and simultaneous differential imaging 506 01392 264125 patience@astro.ex.ac.uk
Dr. Frédéric Pont Senior Lecturer Photometric and spectroscopic observations of exoplanets 417 01392 725522 fpont@astro.ex.ac.uk


Name Room Number Telephone Number Email Address
Dr. Alasdair Allan 409 01392 725511 aa@astro.ex.ac.uk
Dr. Kevin Douglas 410 01392 725517 douglas@astro.ex.ac.uk
Dr. Scott Gregory 504 Unknown scott@astro.ex.ac.uk
Dr. Christophe Pinte 405 01392 725515 pinte@astro.ex.ac.uk

Honorary Fellows

Name Email Address
Dr. Mike McCulloch M.E.McCulloch@exeter.ac.uk


Name Room Number Telephone Number Email Address
Dr. Dave Acreman 413 01392 725520 acreman@astro.ex.ac.uk
Dr. Clare Dobbs 413 01392 725520 dobbs@astro.ex.ac.uk
Dr. Tracey Hill 413 01392 725515 thill@astro.ex.ac.uk
Dr. Kacper Kornet 410 01392 725517 kornet@astro.ex.ac.uk
Dr. Nathan Mayne 513b 01392 265652 mayne@astro.ex.ac.uk
Dr. Joe Mottram 411 01392 725518 joe@astro.ex.ac.uk
Dr. Eric Saunders 504 01392 265123 saunders@astro.ex.ac.uk
Dr. Nick Tothill 408 01392 725123 nfht@astro.ex.ac.uk
Dr. Elaine Winston 411 01392 725518 ewinston@astro.ex.ac.uk

Research Administrator

Name Room Number Telephone Number Email Address
Susie Burdett 407 01392 725514 burdett@astro.ac.uk

Systems Administrator

Name Room Number Telephone Number Email Address
Dr John Rowe 414 01392 725510 rowe@excc.ex.ac.uk


Name Supervisor Topic Room Number Telephone Number Email Address
Aude Alapini S. Aigrain Transiting planets around active stars; Characterisation of exoplanets 412 01392 725519 alapini@astro.ex.ac.uk
Ben Ayliffe M. Bate ? 412 01392 725519 ayliffe@astro.ex.ac.uk
Cameron Bell T. Naylor ? 503 01392 264124 bell@astro.ex.ac.uk
Eli Bressert ? ? 503 01392 264124 eli@astro.ex.ac.uk
Catia Cardoso M. McCaughrean ? 503 01392 264124 catia@astro.ex.ac.uk
Rob De Rosa J. Patience ? 503 01392 264124 derosa@astro.ex.ac.uk
Laurence Eyles ? ? 412 ? eyles@astro.ex.ac.uk
Robert King M. McCaughrean ? 503 01392 264124 rob@astro.ex.ac.uk
Farzana Meru M. Bate ? 503 01392 264124 farzana@astro.ex.ac.uk
David Rundle T. Harries ? 412 01392 725519 drundle@astro.ex.ac.uk
Lee Summers C. Brunt ? 503 01392 264124 lsummers@astro.ex.ac.uk

Past Members

Last known location listed.

Dr. Gennaro D'Angelo - NASA Ames

Dr. Andy Bunker - Oxford

Dr. Ben Burningham - Hertfordshire

Dr. Kuenley Chiu - ?

Dr. Howard Cohl - New Zealand. Doing another PhD on Green's functions

Dr. Stuart Littlefair - Sheffield

Dr. Ryuichi Kurosawa - University of Las Vegas in Nevada

Dr. Chris Reeves - St Andrews

Dr. Neil Symington - St Andrews

Dr. Stuart Whitehouse - Basel

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