Your first month at your new job
This page is designed to provide information on things that you will need to set up your new work environment.
Getting Paid
Hopefully you should have returned the salary payment details form prior to starting. If you haven't, this is available in the
PrearrivalForms section of this wiki. Download the form and return it to payroll before the 15th of the month.
Payment is on the last Friday of the month (roughly) for staff. Students funded by STFC are paid quarterly in advance. You should thereforre expect to be paid on or around October 1st, January 1st, April 1st, and July 1st. This is presumably the same for internally funded students.
Computer Accounts.
The application form for IT accounts can be found on the
PrearrivalForms section. This should be sent to
JohnRowe?, who will arrange for the form to be sent to the relevant person ahead of your arrival, and will hopefully also set you up with an astrophysics dept account (if not, talk to the system administrator). Most staff find it easier to use only their astrophysics account, and to get their University account mail forwarded to it. Information on how to do this can be found
More information on the University of Exeter IT services is provided on the
IT pages.
E-mail Lists
If you want to be informed of things happening in the department then be sure to get yourself onto the emailing lists.
- Astro: The group mailing list - see the system administrator JohnRowe? about this.
- Physics: The main physics mailing list - one for postgrads and one for staff- see/email Yasmin Durrant about this.
- Matthew's List: Prof. Bate has his own list for announcements, email him and ask to add you.
- Other lists: There are a few other lists around the dept. Nathan Mayne organises squash on a regular basis, ask him to add you to the list if you want to play.
Web Accounts
In order to have an account to host your webpages approach the system administrator. You will need your University ID for this. They will set you up an account. To ensure that your pages are linked to your name from the astrophysics pages you will also need to ask for this.
John Rowe should be able to give you an account on the group linux machines on which we have our webserver. He can show you where to put/create your webpage.
Your mail will arrive in the pigeon holes on the ground floor behind the reception desk. If you're permanant staff you may be given your own slot, otherwise all mail will go in the "astrophysics" slot. Typically when mail is checked the remainder of the mail in the astrophysics slot is brought up to the 4th floor and left in the interaction area - so check there too (unless you're the person who collects the mail, then bring it to the 4th floor).
ID cards
As a member of staff or student you will be issued with an identity card. You should already have filled in the unicard application form. If not, it can be downloaded from
PrearrivalForms. You cannot obtain your ID card prior to the start date of your contract. To collect your card visit Card Services in Northcote House. This will allow you access to the building after hours. During your induction you will be shown the out-of-hours entry door. Sometimes the card is sent straight to the department ready for your arrival.
In order to gain access to the building after hours, your ID card will require a password or 4-digit PIN. To add this PIN to your card see the Lynda Barrell on the 6th floor. If your card doesn't swipe AFTER you've had a PIN added, then there is something wrong with your card and you will need to return to the Card Office in Northcote House. Students can use their ID card in town to get discounts on things like movie tickets, hair dressing etc.
Payroll Number
This will be on your staff ID card. You will need this in order to get paid. You will also need this in order to make a claim. This is not on a student card. When you first get a payroll number (from your first demonstrating claim) make a note of it.
During your induction you will be shown the store from which you obtain stationary. You will also be issued with funding codes that are applicable to your grant at some point. You will need these funding codes in order to obtain stationary.
It works by approaching the storeman, telling him what you want, handing over the code and signing a form. Opening hours of the store are posted outside of the store and are something like 9:30am-12:30pm and then 2pm-5pm (except Wed afternoons). This is where you can get paper and print cartrdges for the printers.
Calendars/Diaries and Planners
From what I can tell, you will need to approach Natasha on the 6th floor who has a catalogue that you can look through and choose from. You will need your cost code and then she will order it for you.
Photocopier & Fax Machine
The photocopier requires a code, which you will need to obtain from your immediate supervisor. There is a fax machine on the 6th floor with instructions nearby
Relocation Claim
After moving to a new place you're going to need money to setup your new life. Claims can only be made before a certain date in the month (typically the 5th) if you would like the money the same month. I.e. claims made by April 5 will be paid at the end of April. Your relocation allowance will have been specified in your contract.
On the web it will tell you that you need to fill out a PD69 form, bu this may not exist. Instead you can probably use an ordinary claim form - you can get this by hardcopy (6th floor), or use an electronic copy (which calculates for you!) which someone in the group will have. If stuck you can probably ask Denise (6th floor) for an electronic copy. You must write on this form "RELOCATION" though. Cost codes are not necessary for relocation. You must have ALL of your receipts to make a claim. You must also have the form signed by your immediate supervisor
Please see
here for the university guidelines on relocation claims.
Making other claims:
As per the previous section, but you will need a cost code. Claims must also be in by a certain date of the month (around the 5th) in order to get paid late in the same month (or the following month?). Susie Burdett has a list of most of the codes, and will help you fill in the form and get any signatures that are needed.
Each day there is coffee at ~11am and 4pm on the 4th floor - follow the noise. There is a coffee machine on the 4th floor and payment is by an honour system where you mark the number of coffees that you've taken on a sheet on the fridge. Someone will then ask you for payment at some date.
Tea is generally bought by a graduate student and when more is required all tea drinkers will be asked for a contribution.
Journal Club and Colloquia.
Journal club is generally on Thursdays at 1pm in the 4th floor interaction area (unless otherwise announced). This is organised by the first year PhD students. For more information see the Journal Club
School colloquia are held on Fridays during term time, announcements made via email.
seminars will usually run in the Journal Club time slot.
Parking Permits
You can park in the school of Physics carpark which is adjacent to the Physics building but you will need a permit in order to do so. Information of how to get this can be found
University Bike Scheme
The University of Exeter has joined up with Cyclescheme again for employees of the University to use cycles through a government scheme to encourage people to cycle to work, which saves you income tax and national insurance on the cost of the cycle, and spreads the cost over 12 months. It is possible to save up to 33% on the cost of the cycle. Cyclescheme allows you to redeem a voucher at a large number of local cycle shops in Devon and Cornwall which participate in the scheme. The scheme operates under a 'salary exchange' arrangement which is approved by the government.
For more information see
TraceyHill - 10 Apr 2008