r1 - 01 Feb 2006 - 12:01:25 - TWikiContributorYou are here: Astrophysics Wiki >  TWiki Web  > TWikiUIDotPm

Package TWiki::UI

Service functions used by the UI packages

StaticMethod run (\&method)

Entry point for execution of a UI function. The parameter is a reference to the method.

StaticMethod checkWebExists ($session,$web,$topic,$op)

Check if the web exists. If it doesn't, will throw an oops exception. $op is the user operation being performed.

StaticMethod topicExists ($session,$web,$topic,$op)=>boolean

Check if the given topic exists, throwing an OopsException? if it doesn't. $op is the user operation being performed.

StaticMethod checkMirror ($session,$web,$topic)

Checks if this web is a mirror web, throwing an OopsException? if it is.

StaticMethod checkAccess ($web,$topic,$mode,$user)

Check if the given mode of access by the given user to the given web.topic is permissible, throwing a TWiki::OopsException if not.

StaticMethod readTemplateTopic ($session,$theTopicName) -> ($meta,$text)

Read a topic from the TWiki web, or if that fails from the current web.

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