r1 - 01 Feb 2006 - 12:01:25 - TWikiContributorYou are here: Astrophysics Wiki >  TWiki Web  > TWikiIfDotPm

Package TWiki::If

Support for the conditions in %IF{} statements. Basically a simple stack-based parser for infix expressions that generates a parse tree that can subsequently be evaluated.

ClassMethod new (\%operators) -> \%factory

Construct a new if node factory.
  • \%operators reference to a hash of operators.
Each operator must have the following fields: prec (precedence) type (0 unary 1 binary) exec (ref to a function to execute). If not provided, the default set of boolean operations supported by %IF is used.

ObjectMethod evaluate ($twiki) -> $result

Execute the parse node.


ObjectMethod parse ($string) -> \$if

  • $string - string containing an expression to parse
Construct a new search node by parsing the passed expression. Return the new object.

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