r1 - 01 Feb 2006 - 12:01:25 - TWikiContributorYou are here: Astrophysics Wiki >  TWiki Web  > TWikiCompatibilityDotPm

Package TWiki::Compatibility

Support for compatibility with old TWiki versions. Packaged separately because 99.999999% of the time this won't be needed.


sub _upgradeCategoryItem { my ( $catitems, $ctext ) = @_; my $catname = ''; my $scatname = ''; my $catmodifier = ''; my $catvalue = ''; my @cmd = split( /\|/, $catitems ); my $src = ''; my $len = @cmd; if( $len < '2' ) { # FIXME return ( $catname, $catmodifier, $catvalue ) } my $svalue = '';

my $i; my $itemsPerLine;

# check for CategoryName?=CategoryValue parameter my $paramCmd = ''; my $cvalue = ''; # was$query->param( $cmd[1] ); if( $cvalue ) { $src = "$cvalue"; } elsif( $ctext ) { foreach( split( /\r?\n/, $ctext ) ) { if( /$cmd[1]/ ) { $src = $_; last; } } }

if( $cmd[0] eq 'select' || $cmd[0] eq 'radio') { $catname = $cmd[1]; $scatname = $catname; #$scatname =~ s/[^a-zA-Z0-9]//g; my $size = $cmd[2]; for( $i = 3; $i < $len; $i++ ) { my $value = $cmd[$i]; $svalue = $value; if( $src =~ /$value/ ) { $catvalue = $svalue; } }

} elsif( $cmd[0] eq 'checkbox' ) { $catname = $cmd[1]; $scatname = $catname; #$scatname =~ s/[^a-zA-Z0-9]//g; if( $cmd[2] eq 'true' || $cmd[2] eq '1' ) { $i = $len - 4; $catmodifier = 1; } $itemsPerLine = $cmd[3]; for( $i = 4; $i < $len; $i++ ) { my $value = $cmd[$i]; $svalue = $value; # I18N: FIXME - need to look at this, but since it's upgrading # old forms that probably didn't use I18N, it's not a high # priority. if( $src =~ /$value[^a-zA-Z0-9\.]/ ) { $catvalue .= ", " if( $catvalue ); $catvalue .= $svalue; } }

} elsif( $cmd[0] eq 'text' ) { $catname = $cmd[1]; $scatname = $catname; #$scatname =~ s/[^a-zA-Z0-9]//g; $src =~ /(.*)/; if( $1 ) { $src = $1; } else { $src = ''; } $catvalue = $src; }

return ( $catname, $catmodifier, $catvalue ) }

StaticMethod upgradeCategoryTable ($session,$web,$topic,$meta,$text) -> $text

Upgrade old style category table

May throw TWiki::OopsException

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