r1 - 01 Feb 2006 - 12:01:24 - TWikiContributorYou are here: Astrophysics Wiki >  TWiki Web  > TWikiAttachDotPm

Package TWiki::Attach

A singleton object of this class is used to deal with attachments to topics.

ClassMethod new ($session)


ObjectMethod renderMetaData ($web,$topic,$meta,$args) -> $text

Generate a table of attachments suitable for the bottom of a topic view, using templates for the header, footer and each row.

  • $web the web
  • $topic the topic
  • $meta meta-data hash for the topic
  • $args hash of attachment arguments

ObjectMethod formatVersions ($web,$topic,$attrs) -> $text

Generate a version history table for a single attachment

  • $web - the web
  • $topic - the topic
  • $attrs - Hash of meta-data attributes

ObjectMethod getAttachmentLink ($user,$web,$topic,$name,$meta) -> $html

  • $user - User doing the reading
  • $web - Name of the web
  • $topic - Name of the topic
  • $name - Name of the attachment
  • $meta - Meta object that contains the meta info

Build a link to the attachment, suitable for insertion in the topic.

ObjectMethod migrateToFileAttachmentMacro ($meta,$text) -> $text

Migrate old HTML format

ObjectMethod upgradeFrom1v0beta ($meta) -> $text

CODE_SMELL: Is this really necessary? upgradeFrom1v0beta?

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