Helen Christie - working at ucl with Serena Viti, Jeremy Yates and Jonathan Rawlings
Summary of GBS Depletion work (rough at the moment!)
* Start with raw maps for all 4 regions (Taurus, Orion, Ophiuchus and
Serpens) in 13CO, 12CO and C18O. Reduce using consistent method.
* Clumpfinding on all maps to get an idea of the distribution of
emission/general clumpiness of the material. Will use several
different thresholds, step sizes for the runs so will end with several
maps of clump positions/sizes for each isotope.
* Following this can compare the different runs with each other and with
SCUBA dust maps to find clumps that appear in the same positions for
all maps.
* Calculate C18O virial masses for the clumps.
* Calculate virial masses for the clumps and carry out radiative
transfer modeling to see if profiles can be reproduced.
Realistic clumps/cores?
* How do the distributions etc compare for the different isotopes?
* Having narrowed down clumps to those that seem most likely to be real
can start using models to estimate ages/sticking coefficients onto dust grains.
HelenC - 20 Jan 2010