r49 - 14 Oct 2016 - 14:48:57 - DavidAcremanYou are here: Astrophysics Wiki >  Main Web  > WebStatistics

Statistics for Main Web

Month: Topic
Most popular
topic views:
Top contributors for
topic save and uploads:
Oct 2016 391 0 0 132 WebHome
 54 WebTopicCreator
 14 TWikiGroups
  9 TWikiUsers
  7 ThomasHaworth
  7 TWikiContributor
  6 RobinWilliams
  6 TWikiPreferences
  6 JohnRowe
  5 ScottSchnee
  5 TimHarries
Sep 2015 2133 3 0 264 WebStatistics
135 WebPreferences
 92 WebHome
 41 YasminAlex
 41 YoselinCierra
 39 TWikiUsers
 39 UserForm
 32 JCMTGouldBeltGroup
 32 TWikiAdminGroup
 27 TWikiGroups
 22 TWikiGuest
  2 TWikiRegistrationAgent
  1 JenniferHatchell
Feb 2013 2003 6 0 329 WebHome
328 WebRss
124 WebTopicCreator
 39 TWikiUsers
 36 TWikiGroups
 35 WebNotify
 24 WebTopicList
 21 ThomasHaworth
 19 CreateNewWeb
 19 AddNewUser
 19 JasonFiege
  3 TWikiRegistrationAgent
  2 TimHarries
  1 JenniferHatchell
Jan 2013 800 0 0 178 WebRss
140 WebHome
 39 WebTopicCreator
 24 TWikiContributor
 15 TWikiUsers
 11 JohnRowe
 10 TWikiGroups
  7 WebPreferences
  7 TWikiAdminGroup
  7 WebSearch
  7 AddNewUser
Nov 2012 1723 5 0 724 WebRss
246 WebHome
111 WebTopicCreator
 95 WebStatistics
 26 TWikiUsers
 24 WebSearch
 23 WebNotify
 17 TWikiContributor
 16 JohnRowe
 13 YoselinCierra
 13 AddNewUser
  3 TWikiRegistrationAgent
  2 ThomasHaworth
Oct 2012 259 9 0  84 WebHome
 20 WebRss
 12 YoselinCierra
 11 WebStatistics
  9 WebTopicCreator
  8 BenchmarkingWorkshopGroup
  7 HelenKirk
  7 TWikiUsers
  6 JohnRowe
  6 TWikiGroups
  5 WebChanges
  4 JenniferHatchell
  4 TWikiRegistrationAgent
  1 ThomasHaworth
Sep 2012 2480 2 0 688 WebRss
262 WebHome
184 WebTopicCreator
 72 WebPreferences
 63 WebStatistics
 45 TWikiUsers
 26 TWikiGroups
 22 TWikiGuest
 20 JohnRowe
 19 WebSearch
 18 AddNewUser
  2 ThomasHaworth
Aug 2012 2155 8 0 302 WebTopicCreator
210 WebHome
 59 TWikiGroups
 54 TWikiUsers
 29 WebRss
 23 WebPreferences
 22 TWikiContributor
 20 JohnRowe
 19 WebStatistics
 17 DylanDamion?
 17 WebChanges
  6 TWikiRegistrationAgent
  1 DavidAcreman
  1 JohnRowe
May 2012 509 0 0 224 WebTopicCreator
 15 WebHome
  6 TWikiUsers
  3 StefanieWalch
  3 JonathanMackey
  3 TWikiContributor
  3 ViewAllGroup
  3 PatternSkinUserViewTemplate
  3 JohnMichaelRowe
  3 GeraldSchieven
  3 BenchmarkingWorkshopGroup
Jan 2012 1432 0 0 142 YasminAlex
138 WebTopicCreator
 97 DylanDamion?
 96 WebHome
 77 YoselinCierra
 76 MarceloMedeirosGuimaraes
 36 WebPreferences
 22 UserForm
 21 TWikiUsers
 21 TWikiGuest
 21 WebStatistics
Dec 2011 318 0 0  40 WebHome
 37 WebTopicCreator
  9 WebRss
  8 DavidAcreman
  7 JohnRowe
  7 WebNotify
  6 WebSearch
  5 HelenC
  4 ScottSchnee
  4 TWikiAdminGroup
  4 DylanDamion?
Nov 2011 1242 6 0 243 WebHome
232 WebRss
116 WebTopicCreator
 25 TWikiGroups
 23 TWikiUsers
 20 TorusGroup
 15 WebSearch
 13 AddNewUser
 12 WebChanges
 11 WebNotify
 11 NobodyGroup
  4 TWikiRegistrationAgent
  1 TimHarries
  1 SuzanneAigrain
Mar 2011 1600 0 0 854 WebRss
123 WebTopicCreator
101 WebHome
 15 TWikiUsers
 12 JohnRowe
 10 TWikiAdminGroup
  9 WebTopicList
  9 WebStatistics
  9 CiaraQuinn
  9 TWikiGroups
  8 WebPreferences
Dec 2010 2318 0 0 1077 WebRss
291 WebHome
143 WebTopicCreator
126 YasminAlex
 28 TWikiUsers
 16 TWikiContributor
 16 WebStatistics
 14 TWikiGroups
 13 WebSearch
 12 WebTopicList
 12 TWikiGuest
Jun 2010 1270 1 0 365 WebRss
137 WebTopicCreator
 69 WebHome
 27 TWikiUsers
 18 TWikiGuest
 16 WebStatistics
 13 JohnRowe
 12 TWikiGroups
 11 WebSearch
 11 AddNewUser
 11 WebChanges
  1 ThomasHaworth
Jan 2010 2040 14 0 350 WebTopicCreator
190 WebHome
 60 TWikiUsers
 43 WebStatistics
 30 AddNewUser
 26 TWikiContributor
 24 TWikiPreferences
 24 TWikiGroups
 21 TWikiGuest
 21 JohnRowe
 20 TWikiAdminGroup
  9 TWikiRegistrationAgent
  4 JohnRowe
  1 NikSir?
Sep 2009 3474 10 22 677 WebTopicCreator
305 WebHome
 98 WebStatistics
 71 TWikiUsers
 61 TWikiContributor
 58 TWikiGroups
 54 WebSearch
 45 JohnRowe
 44 WebChanges
 41 WebNotify
 40 TWikiGuest
 12 DylanDamion?
 12 YoselinCierra
  4 TWikiRegistrationAgent
  3 JenniferHatchell
  1 HelenKirk
May 2009 2831 6 0 373 WebTopicCreator
284 WebHome
195 AddNewUser
109 TWikiUsers
 72 WebSearch
 62 TWikiGroups
 61 WebStatistics
 60 TWikiGuest
 54 JohnRowe
 47 TWikiContributor
 34 WebChanges
  4 TWikiRegistrationAgent
  2 JohnRowe
Mar 2009 2917 4 0 589 WebTopicCreator
218 WebHome
 89 TWikiContributor
 70 TWikiUsers
 68 TWikiGuest
 66 WebSearch
 55 JohnRowe
 43 AddNewUser
 30 TWikiAdminGroup
 29 TWikiGroups
 26 WebChanges
  4 TWikiRegistrationAgent
Jan 2009 588 0 0  76 WebTopicCreator
 70 WebHome
 46 WebRss
 41 TWikiUsers
 40 JohnRowe
 38 WebAtom
 17 TWikiContributor
 11 TWikiGuest
 11 AddNewUser
  7 WebSearch
  6 YoselinCierra
Dec 2008 839 0 0 137 WebTopicCreator
105 WebHome
 45 TWikiContributor
 41 TWikiGuest
 29 AddNewUser
 20 TWikiUsers
 19 JohnRowe
 14 TWikiGroups
 13 WebSearch
 12 TWikiAdminGroup
 11 JCMTGouldBeltGroup
Sep 2008 2065 7 0 364 WebTopicCreator
248 WebSearch
173 WebHome
 82 TWikiContributor
 61 TWikiGuest
 47 TWikiUsers
 25 TWikiAdminGroup
 25 JohnRowe
 24 JCMTGouldBeltGroup
 22 WebRss
 20 WebChanges
  6 TWikiRegistrationAgent
  1 JenniferHatchell
Aug 2008 417 2 0 141 WebTopicCreator
 31 WebHome
 13 TWikiContributor
 12 TWikiGuest
  7 TWikiAdminGroup
  6 TWikiUsers
  6 AudeAlapini
  5 AddNewUser
  4 SuzanneAigrain
  4 JCMTGouldBeltGroup
  4 BobBenson
  2 TWikiRegistrationAgent
Nov 2007 726 0 0 165 WebTopicCreator
130 TWikiGuest
 43 WebHome
 13 TWikiUsers
 10 TWikiGroups
  9 JeremyYates
  9 TWikiContributor
  8 WebTopicList
  8 WebPreferences
  8 ElizabethBrock
  8 JohnRowe
Oct 2007 1006 0 0 180 WebTopicCreator
 50 WebHome
 39 TWikiGuest
 13 HenryMatthews
 12 WebTopicList
 12 UserList
 12 TWikiContributor
 12 AddNewUser
 12 JuliaRoberts
 11 UserListByPhotograph
 11 TWikiAdminGroup


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  • TWikiDocumentation tells you how to enable the automatic updates of the statistics.
  • Suggestion: You could archive this topic once a year and delete the previous year's statistics from the table.
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