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TWiki Groups

These groups can be used to define fine grained TWikiAccessControl in Astrophysics Wiki:

Group Members
BenchmarkingWorkshopGroup JohnRowe, ThomasHaworth, TimHarries, DavidAcreman, StefanieWalch, JonathanMackey, ThomasBisbas, RichardWunsch, SimonGlover, DanielPrice, MatthewBate, RalfKlessen, DimitrisStamatellos, DavidHubber, ThomasPeters, AndrewMcLeod, AnthonyWhitworth, PascalTremblin, HarrySteggles, AaronSmith, TroelsHaugboelle, DanielSeifried, JeremyYates, RobinWilliams, LarsBuntemeyer, JulianPittard
ExoClimesGroup NawalHusnoo, EliBressert, FarzanaMeru, SuzanneAigrain, SusieBurdett, IsabelleBaraffe?, DavidSing?, BenAyliffe?, FredericPont, AudeAlapini, JoannaBulger
FrostyBoyGroup JohnRowe, NickTothill, PhilAnderson
GradAdminGroup JohnRowe, RobertKing
IYAWebGroup AlasdairAllan, CameronB, CatiaCardoso, ChrisBrunt, ChrisReeves, DanielPrice, DavidAcreman, DavidHogg, DavidRundle, EricSaunders, FarzanaMeru, JenniferHatchell, JennyPatience, JohnRowe, NathanMayne, NickTothill, RobertKing, SuzanneAigrain, TimHarries, TraceyHill, JoeMottram, KevinDouglas, AudeAlapini, ClareDobbs, MatthewBate, RobertDeRosa, MarkMcCaughrean
JCMTGouldBeltGroup JenniferHatchell, HelenKirk, BrendaMatthews, NickTothill, DavidNutter, MichielHogerheijde, JamesDiFrancesco, DerekWardThompson, MichaelReid, PerFriberg, RachelFriesen, ChrisDavis, AntonioChrysostomou, JeremyYates, JaneBuckle, GillesJoncas, EmilyCurtis, ChrisBrunt, GaryFuller, GlennWhite, JohnRicher, DougJohnstone, MartinHoude, RussellRedman, MingZhu, HenryMatthews, ChrisMatzner, BradCavanagh, LauraFissel, SarahGraves, SerenaViti, JennyPatience, JanWouterloot, GeraldSchieven, YiannisTsamis, JaneGreaves, LewisKnee, BillDent, JonathanRawlings, JuliaRoberts, ErikRosolowsky, HaroldButner, RachelCurran, RobertSimpson, MarcoSpaans, AnaCabral, PaolaCaselli, SarahSadavoy, EwinevanDishoeck, PierreBastien, DavidNaylor, MichelFich, HollyThomas, HelenC, JasonKirk, ScottSchnee, TimJenness, CiaraQuinn, ShadiChitsazzadeh, DimitrisStamatellos, DavidBerry, JaimePineda, EmilyDrabek, MalcolmCurrie, SamWalkersmith, JoeMottram, CarlSalji, TomWilson, ChristineWilson, KatePattle, DamianRumble, HannahBroekhovenFiene, SimonCoude, JonathanGregson, HarrietParsons, KenMarsh, MikeChen, DamienRobertson, SamTisi, SteveMairs, SylvieFBeaulieu, TaraParkin, ChrisMowat, DavidBresnahan, BrendanRetter, JoshuaParker
LocalStarGroup JohnRowe, ClareDobbs, JinKoda, ChrisBrunt, DanielPrice, DavidAcreman, JenniferHatchell, MatthewBate, JoeMottram, TimNaylor?, EvaSchinnerer, LeeSummers, JimPringle?
PolarOHAirglowGroup JohnRowe
TWikiAdminGroup JenniferHatchell, DavidAcreman, ClareDobbs
TeleScopeGroup JohnRowe, JenniferHatchell, TomWilson, FelixSainsburyMartinez, SeanMatt, MichaelJones, MartynBrake, SamMorrell, JayeshGoyal, ChrisBrunt, JessicaSpake, PabloLoren, EdwardHone, AnnaLaws, AngelaBreimann
TorusGroup TimHarries, JohnRowe, DavidAcreman, DavidRundle, ChrisReeves, NathanMayne, JeffreyFogel, ThomasHaworth, AliciaAarnio, JohnMonnier, JorickVink, MichaelStewart, AdamRoberts, IlsedoreCleeves, EdwardGillen, RyuichiKurosawa?, StefanKraus, ClaireEsau, DamianRedburn, DavidMedland, BasmahRiaz, MatthewRead, LewisIreland, JenniferHatchell, EmilyDrabek, AlexPettitt, AnaCabral, MatthewWillson, JoshHamilton, BenAmberySmith, PeterInzani, AhmadAli, AlexKreplin, JacquesKluska, TomDouglas, EdwardHone, ClaireDavies, SidVisser, FreddyWordingham, DominiqueMeyer?, ClareDobbs, MichaelGJones
ViewAllGroup JohnRowe, JohnMichaelRowe

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IMPORTANT NOTE: Think twice before restricting write access to a web or a topic, because an open system where everybody can contribute is the essence of WikiCulture. Experience shows that unrestricted write access works very well because:

  • There is enough peer pressure to post only appropriate content.
  • Content does not get lost because topics are under revision control.
  • A topic revision can be undone by a member of the TWikiAdminGroup if necesssary.

Related topics: TWikiAccessControl, WebPreferences, TWikiUsers, WikiCulture

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