r5 - 06 Dec 2006 - 16:28:58 - JohnRoweYou are here: Astrophysics Wiki >  Main Web  > CreateNewWeb
Let's assume you wish to ceate a new web called NewWeb (replace '!NewWeb' by the name of your new web in the instructions below).

  1. Go to ManagingWebs and create your new web.
  2. Add it to the list of Webs on WebHome.

Access control

Decide if you want access control for reading and/or writing (it will usually be the same for both). If so do the following:

  1. Create a new group by going to TWikiGroups and creating a new group called NewWebGroup. It will throw up an edit page: replace Main.Others... by the list of people you want to have access to the wiki. (NB, names must be preceded by 'Main', e.g. Main.JohnRowe)
  2. You may want to change the value of ALLOWTOPICCHANGE from NewWebGroup to TWikiAdminGroup:
    • If you DO NOT change it then anybody in the group wll be able to add people to it.
    • If you DO change it then only you (and other admins) will be able to add people to this group. (Of course, if you change your mind you can always change it back later.)
  3. Save the page. (NB, names must be preceded by 'Main', e.g. JohnRowe)
  4. Go to NewWeb, then to Preferences on the left-hand side and edit it.
  5. Uncomment ALLOWWEBVIEW and add NewWebGroup.
  6. Do the same for ALLOWWEBCHANGE and save the page


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Main.CreateNewWeb moved from Admin.CreateNewWeb on 02 Dec 2006 - 23:03 by JohnRowe - put it back

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