r1 - 10 Dec 2008 - 17:20:12 - RobertKingYou are here: Astrophysics Wiki >  GradStudentGuide Web  >  ComputingIssues > YourWebpage
First you will need John Rowe to create a directory for you in /Web/people/

When you have that, log into one of the linux machines and answer yes if asked to add to your list of known hosts.

% ssh astronomix

Astronomix is one of the remaining linux machines. You can access the web-space on any linux machine except pinky. Your web-space is located at /mount_nfs/Web/people/username

If you prefer to mount the web server on your machine look here.

Create an the html file for your web-page and save as index.html file in that directory. To make it visible in a browser you will need to change the file permissions (user, group, others + read)

% chmod ugo+r

See here if you want to use the school templates, or have a look at freecsstemplates.org

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