Questions Page The first postgrad omni coffee time raised a lot of interesting questions. Here we collate them so that they can brought to the attention of those that ...
Social Events You can add information regarding social events (such as coffee time and xmas parties) here. See also the nice to know you page. 13/11/2012: First ...
People This page is for people to upload a couple of lines about themselves (if they want to). I have added some examples so that the formatting structure is clear ...
EdwardShorthouse 13 Nov 2012 Hello All It would be great to create a social PG group. Pub at lunchtime sounds good, anyone up for it? Sounds good occasionally ...
As yet, there is little content yet. Please go out of your way to share your knowledge. Everything added so far will hopefully act as a guide to what may be useful ...
Accommodation Obviously one of the most important things to sort out before you arrive. This can be quite a daunting task if you have never been to Exeter before as ...
If you have recently arrived in Exeter or are soon to arrive there are a wealth of admin issues you will have to deal with. Hopefully many of the practicalities, such ...
Who's who? The group webpages are a good place to start if you want to see who's who in the group. The wiki page Group Members also gives brief details on the research ...
The astrophysics group in Exeter was founded in 2001 (or thereabouts?). See here for a look at the group circa September 2004, and here for a list of current members ...
Eric Saunders and Dave Acreman run a series of talks on an array of things you will find useful during your !PhD and beyond. The full list of tutorial summaries from ...
When you first arrive you may know little about the different plotting tools available. This is something which you will no doubt find yourself doing a lot so a little ...
Getting Paid STFC, department funded, CONSTELLATION. Funding Observing Trips The way to process depends on your PhD grant. Your supervisor will know where you ...
In your first year you will be expected to write a literature review on the broad area of your thesis research (don't panic if this is rather ill defined at ...
There are many conferences organized throughout the year, nationally and internationally. The easiest way to check which conferences are being held all over the world ...
Writing your thesis Submitting your thesis The Viva Thesis Binding You may want to submit your thesis abstract to the Star Formation News Letter, The ...
This will hopefully be a short list of skills which someone starting from scratch can just use. The more complete tutorials will greatly expand on this. Some of these ...
There are many resources with which you may already be familiar and which may prove invaluable during your !PhD and beyond. This list will hopefully start you off ...
Most astronomy jobs are advertised on the AAS Job Register which i updated monthly. For those who cannot wait, this site trawls the register and allows you to see ...
You can print your thesis on the colour printer on the sixth floor, which is known as Audrey2 (HP Color Laserjet 4500), and there is a machine in the school office ...
It will obviously be a good idea to talk over a thesis plan with your advisor as early as possible. If you have a plan in place 9 12 months before you intend to submit ...
This can be an art form. A simple, but imperfect way of doing is as follows. Use IPAC's program, Montage, to mosaic your own images or use the online tool to mosaic ...
First you will need John Rowe to create a directory for you in /Web/people/ When you have that, log into one of the linux machines and answer yes if asked to add to ...
GradStudentGuide Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the GradStudentGuide web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences ...
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