r6 - 04 May 2010 - 13:38:02 - SusieBurdettYou are here: Astrophysics Wiki >  GradStudentGuide Web  > TheDepartment

Who's who?

The group webpages are a good place to start if you want to see who's who in the group. The wiki page Group Members also gives brief details on the research interests of each group member - please add yourself.


The group generally has tea or coffee at 11am and 4.30pm give or take 15 minutes. We usually assemble in the 4th floor interaction area, unless there is a good excuse to go elsewhere.

The coffee machine is on the 4th floor. Tick the sheet on the fridge and you will be billed in the future (~11p/cup?). Tea is generally to be found there too. Contributions are sought when the box of tea runs out. Milk is normally in the fridge. If it isn't please go to the 7th floor and bring a pint from the fridge in the kitchen there.

Library and e-Library

The department has a library on the 7th floor which holds most of the Astrophysics journals if you wish to peruse a paper copy. The books in the library can be quite dated, but if you are looking for a specific book someone in the group likely has it already. Most of the group members' books are listed in the e-library on the mac attached to the big screen in the common area on the 4th floor (the interaction area).

Where is...?


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GradStudentGuide.TheDepartment moved from GradStudentGuide.DepartmentLife on 10 Dec 2008 - 17:41 by RobertKing - put it back

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