r7 - 04 May 2010 - 14:45:30 - SusieBurdettYou are here: Astrophysics Wiki >  GradStudentGuide Web  > StudentRegistration
If you have recently arrived in Exeter or are soon to arrive there are a wealth of admin issues you will have to deal with. Hopefully many of the practicalities, such as desk, computer and location will have been sorted before you arrive (and if they haven't, ask your supervisor or the Research Administrator Susie Burdett (burdett at astro.ex.ac.uk)). There is also lots of information on this wiki site.

However, there are some things you need to do and be aware of before you start. They are:

  • Unicard - You can apply for a UniCard? by emailing your name, student number, course information and photo to cardoffice@exeter.ac.uk. If you are unable to do this you can request a hard copy application form be sent to you by emailing cardoffice@exeter.ac.uk. Available from Northcote House (room 153). Your first one is free. The card can also get you into the Physics building 'after-hours' (after 6pm) once you've set a PIN at the school office (6th floor). This is also your NUS card, your card for entry to the sports hall (if you're a member) and your library card

  • Astro email - you need to ask John Rowe to set this up for you. It is possible that you need to have your University email address set up first (see below)

  • E-mail lists - For the astro email list, you need to ask John Rowe to add you. For the School of Physics email lists, this should be done automatically. However make sure that you are receiving emails that are sent to all the postgrads and those sent to all members of the School of Physics

  • University e-mail - Available once you've registered using their online IT activation page. You can access your emails via the web. Alternatively, send a copy of the form to John Rowe first, and he can arrange for it to be set up and should also set up an Astro email for you as well (don't forget to ask him nicely to do this!)

General information when you first come to the University can be found on the University's web page for new students.

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GradStudentGuide.StudentRegistration moved from GradStudentGuide.JustArrived on 09 Oct 2009 - 13:54 by SusieBurdett - put it back

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