r4 - 21 Nov 2012 - 22:14:54 - ClaireWoollacottYou are here: Astrophysics Wiki >  GradStudentGuide Web  > PhysicsPostGradPeople


This page is for people to upload a couple of lines about themselves (if they want to). I have added some examples so that the formatting structure is clear.

Thomas Haworth

I am a 3rd year astrophysics student working on radiation hydrodynamics models and simulated imaging of systems in which triggered star formation is expected to occur. You can check out my personal page here and my publications here. I am also running a code comparison workshop next year, the website for which is here.

Hannah Ruth Wakeford

I am a second year astrophysics student working on exoplanetary atmospheres focusing my observations on hot Jupiters in the near infra red. I am currently working with Hubble Space Telescope data to detect the atmospheric constituents of HAT-P-1b between 1.1 and 1.7 microns. I also have a personal science page with post covering a wide range of astrophysical phenomena as well as life during a PhD? that can be found here.

Claire Woollacott

I am a second year PhD? student working in analytical condensed matter theory. I'm part of the Quantum Systems and Nanomaterials (QSN) group here at Exeter and my PhD? supervisor is Dr Eros Mariani. I am currently working on combining the exciting physical properties found in graphene with the world of plasmons in metamaterials. We have discovered Dirac-like physics in these bosonic excitations leading to the discovery of 'Massless Dirac Bosons'. Our paper can be found at http://arxiv.org/abs/1209.5005.

Some other other person

-- ThomasHaworth - 13 Nov 2012

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