r6 - 04 May 2010 - 13:31:23 - SusieBurdettYou are here: Astrophysics Wiki >  GradStudentGuide Web  > GroupMembers
The astrophysics group in Exeter was founded in 2001 (or thereabouts?). See here for a look at the group circa September 2004, and here for a list of current members of the group.

Please add details of your own work and areas of research.

Academic Staff

Prof. Matthew Bate (Head of Group) - SPH simulations of star formation.

Prof. Mark McCaughrean (On leave of absence) - Infrared observations of star formation regions, HH objects, low mass stars and brown dwarfs

Prof. Tim Naylor (Head of School) - Optical observations of star formation regions, colour-magnitude diagrams

Dr. Chris Brunt - Radio and sub-mm observations of molecular clouds and star formation regions

Dr. Tim Harries - Observations and modelling of circumstellar discs and magnetospheric accretion, radiation transfer codes

Dr. Jennifer Hatchell - Use of infrared and and millimetre wavelengths to study star-forming areas

Dr. Jenny Patience - Infrared and mm observations of star formation and planet host stars, interferometry and simultaneous differential imaging.

Dr. Frédéric Pont - Photometric and spectroscopic observations of exoplanets.


Dr. Alasdair Allan

Dr Kevin Douglas

Dr Scott Gregory


Dr. Dave Acreman

Dr. Kacper Kornet

Dr. Nathan Mayne

Dr. Elaine Winston

Dr. Joe Mottram


Dr. Mike McCulloch (Honorary Fellow)

Dr. John Rowe (System Administrator)

Susie Burdett (CONSTELLATION Administrator)


Supervisor name in brackets

Aude Alapini (S. Aigrain) - Transiting planets around active stars; Characterisation of exoplanets.

Ben Ayliffe (M. Bate)

Cameron Bell (T. Naylor)

Catia Cardoso (M. McCaughrean)

Robert King (M. McCaughrean) - Brown dwarfs and massive star forming regions

Farzana Meru (M. Bate)

David Rundle (T. Harries) - Molecular line radiative transfer using TORUS

Lee Summers (C. Brunt)

Robert De Rosa (J. Patience)

Past Members

Last known location listed.

Dr. Suzanne Aigrain - Oxford

Dr. Gennaro D'Angelo - NASA Ames

Dr. Andy Bunker - Oxford

Dr. Ben Burningham - Hertfordshire

Dr. Kuenley Chiu - ?

Dr. Howard Cohl - New Zealand. Doing another PhD on Green's functions

Dr. Clare Dobbs

Dr. Tracey Hill

David Hogg

Dr. Stuart Littlefair - Sheffield

Dr. Ryuichi Kurosawa - University of Las Vegas in Nevada

Dr. Christophe Pinte

Dr. Daniel Price

Dr. Chris Reeves - St Andrews

Dr. Eric Saunders

Dr. Neil Symington - St Andrews

Dr. Nick Tothill

Dr. Stuart Whitehouse - Basel

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